1 - Introduction

These general selling conditions regulate commercial sales and services relationships between Italtradingstore and its customers. Any other terms and conditions are exclided if not agreed previously with written confirmation. Placement of an order on the website www.italtradingstore.it, automatically confirms the acceptance of terms and conditions listed in this agreement.

2 - Responsibility

Italtradingstore is not responsible of any damage and/or loss, resulting from the sale of goods and/or services issued in the on-line catalog on the website www.italtradingstore.it.

Italtradingstore is not responsible for delayed delivery or unavailability of the products.

Italtradingstore is not responsible for any uncorrect information not due to Italtradingstore itself.

For foreign resident customers, and for transactions outside Italy, Italtradingstore is not responsible of possible extra charges or specific laws which could interfere with the salew of products or cause extra costs.

3 - Technical informations 

The informations posted in the website www.italtradingstore.it are those ones suppkied by manufacturers. Italtradingstore reserves the right to update or modify the informations about the products anytime without any advice. All informations include into the website/catalog, like text, graphics, photos, designs, any type of software, trademarks, copyrights are exclusive rerty of the manufacturers. Any other use than consulting or buying is forbidden, if not previously authorized. Italtradingstore is  issuing carefully all informations and data of the website, but is not responsible for any inaccuracy of the text and of informations supplied.

4 - Orders

Orders are accepted only through the internet website. Orders booked on the website produce an automatic email confirming the order’s receipt. This automatic email is not a confirmation for acceptance of the order. Orders are definitely accepted when they are shipped.

5 - Prices

All prices shown on the website are intended “consumer suggested taxes included”. 

All prices can be updated amd modified any time, with no advanced notice.

6 - Product availability

Available items are highlighted when placing an order on the website www.italtradingstore with a specific sign. But the final availability is confirmed after checking the order in the warehouse. In the eventuality that the customer sends the payment but Italtradingstore will be unable to ship the order or part of it, the custmer will be immediately refunded for the value of the items not shipped.


7 - Shipment and delivery check - time of transit - shipping cost

The shipping cost is shown when placing the order. Shipments via courier GLS : usually orders are shipped the same day of receipt of the balance payment, and through GLS they are delivered within the 24-48 hours. At the receipt of the shipment, customer must check integrity of packaging and compliance with what listed on the documents. In case of non-confirmity or any damage of materials, the report must be made using the form you can download in the section !INFO - Assistance and Repairs” and sent via email within 8 days from receipt to: news@italtrading.it.

8 - Retention of property

Responsibility of the goods is of the customer at the moment the goods are transfered to the forwarder. The goods  travel at customer’s own risk and danger also when they are delivered “door to door”. Goods remain Italtradingstore’s property until totally and fully paid.

9 - Warranty

Italtradingstore guarantees goods are originally without defects. Orders placed on the website confirm the accepance of warranty terms. Goods are guaranteed under conditions granted by manufacturer, in respect of actual rules and laws.

10 - Complaints

Mistakes in shipments or missing goods must be reported within 8 days from receipt, only through a written report to news@italtrading.it, specifying details and reasons of the complaint.
If the shipping packagins is damaged, the customer must apply a reserve on the delivery document from the forwarder/courier.
After the 8 days from delivery, no complaint will be accepted.

Defects of the products must be reported using the form you can download in the section “INFO - Assistenza e Riparazioni” of the website, completely fullfilled and  and forwarded by email to : news@italtrading,it

11- Payments

Orders must be paid with and through:

- Paypal

- Credit Card

- Bank wire transfer

- payments in installments (Klarna)

12 - Right of withdraw

Within 14 days from receipt of goods, Italtradingstore reserves the right to accept back the goods for concrete reasons. Goods must be news, unused, untouched, still in their original sealed packings. Permission to send back goods must be asked by writing to news@italtrading.it, and the following return, when authorized, must be done at customer’s expenses.

Together with returned goods the customer must fill the form which can be downloaded from the website in the section : “INFO - Assistenza e Riparazioni”, then shipped to address:


Via Sabadell 84/16

59100 PRATO Italy

13 - Privacy

Customers are aware that their personal data registered on the website www.italtradingstore.it will be handled  in respect of actual laws on the privacy.

14 - Disputes
For any dispute it could arise, the competence will be of Court in Prato - Italy.